News | VentumDynamics

Ventum Dynamic week 3 delivery

Written by Jorma Bailey | Jan 23, 2023 8:53:47 AM

January 20, 2023, Stavanger, Norway


Since 2017, Ventum Dynamics has been focused on developing a placement friendly omnidirectional wind turbine for flat roof tops. Three weeks into 2023, the Ventum Dynamics team has produced and delivered three ready-to-install V 3.1 turbines for pilot projects in Norway and the United Kingdom.


Two of the V 3.1 turbines were shipped to the United Kingdom on Monday, January 16. The turbines will be installed on two sites for a pilot project that will define future production and delivery processes.  One of those turbines will be placed on a roof to test the on-grid setup, and the other on Skegness Pier with an off-grid setup. We are excited to start collecting real-time data from the sites to learn and further improve our production version.

In the same week, on a crisp and misty Thursday, the third pilot turbine was craned and placed on the roof of SR Group's delivery terminal building.

Ventum Dynamics engineers and technicians installed the V3.1 turbine quickly and connected it to an off-grid electrical setup. The location, an industrial area on the west side of the Stavanger Peninsula between the North Sea and the Hafrsfjorden, provides ideal wind conditions for testing our pilot turbine.

SR Group is a well-known international logistics company, and we are grateful for the opportunity to install the turbine at their facility.

We are excited to install additional turbines at the SR building to test and design more complex turbine parks.